Ooooh hello there

Welcome to my blog

If you follow me on Twitter you may have noticed that I have quite a range of interests. And it will be exactly the same here. Hopefully there will be something of interest to you at some stage. I will write about things I am passionate about. Whether something I love or hate. It isn’t supposed to be preachy but if at times it is – apologies. I am writing this intro on a glorious day. The winter sun is out, blue skies and birds are chirping like mad. My netbook on the other hand is not co-operating all that well. She is rather old at some 5 years of age this year. Which in computer years – makes her about 185, I think. *Waits for a round of applause*
So glorious day and computer glitches aside what can you expect to read here? A wide range of things including my passion for hobbies, craft and upcycling. I went through a hobby drought in my life and realised that shopping isn’t actually a proper hobby. Do you remember those days when you popped to town with your Mum because you needed something? You didn’t pop to town to shop generally. So I was keen to explore new hobbies and dust down old ones.
I am also passionate about decluttering and minimalism. I have lived in a number of different styles of homes but one consistent lesson throughout is that stuff – or clutter to use its technical name – does not make you happy. I know, shocking right? By the way I don’t live in a white room, with one chair and a single vase. Hell no. Have stuff you (really) use and stuff you really love. Just don’t expect it to, by itself, fix something. And what is minimalism you ask? Well yes I wondered that too when I first heard the word. I wondered if it was an arty term of some sort but look – let’s not go into detail quite yet.
I am also an aviation nerd. I am obsessed with military history and really wish my history teacher at school worked to a syllabus that taught me more about WWI and WWII rather than the wives of a randy old king. Yes important in some respect I know but when I learn about things like the Air Transport Auxiliary. Well I’m left speechless. No doubt we’ll cover them in a future blog.
I love finding ways to #BuyBritish. This nestles very nicely with my minimalist hopes and dreams. It means I don’t (or try damn hard not to) abide to the buy crap, pay people crap, dump the crap, that’s ok crap. I think we have lost ourselves a bit along the way. Before anyone comes to me with financial challenges, yes of course we all work and cut our cloth accordingly. But it’s the incessant sleepwalking buy, know it won’t last, it doesn’t really matter kind of thing that really frustrates me. Buying British is full of challenges but there are opportunities. You just need to find the wrench, no not that one the one with the.. yes that one, and literally jimmy the door open.

I am a pet owner and I can often be found tweeting about topics related to animal welfare too. And stolen pets are a modern day appalling act. Something we can all help fight against – and miracles can happen. I mean Facebook and Twitter helped find Murphy husky (@FoundMurphyHusky). *sniff* I cannot lie some of the animal welfare issues out there upset me so much I find it hard to even look at photos but gradually and mainly thanks to animal campaigner Peter Egan (@PeterEgan6) – I have learnt about all manner of different animal welfare issues. And yes according to expert research, bears do shit in woods. You read it here first. Really? More importantly we should let bears shit in woods and be free. Not in cages. So do join me. I cannot for one moment guarantee this blog will change your life – I truly hope it does even if in a teeny tiny way – but I think it may just change mine. Welcome. So grab a chair and tell me all about you via Twitter @BookWriteHer
Have a brilliant day,